Wednesday, April 11, 2012


So I've taken to staring at my Ravelry queue while knitting the Hello Kitty Afghan of Death. I'm itching to cast on or work on something else for once, but I promised myself I would finish this by June and it keeps getting more difficult to crank out a row (which is obviously what happens when it gets wider every other row- I still don't know what I was thinking. Probably Ooh neat technique, I should try it cause it looks so cool). I did retrieve DM's sock from my aunt's house yesterday, but I haven't picked it up yet. I know, I know, one of my monthly goals was to finish 2 socks, but like I said, I'd really like to get this blanket done by June. Actually, I want shot of the giant pink monstrosity by the end of this month, but that probably won't happen. I probably will work a little more on DM's sock when the blanket gets to be too big to bring to the daycare for naptime knitting. It's definitely getting there. It gained a stripe (and another 80 stitches) since I last blogged, and when I stretched it out for this photo:

I realized that it is getting pretty big, though it looks small while I'm knitting it. It needs about 6 inches more, which pretty much translates to 6 more stripes, which means adding another 480 stitches. Ugh, that does it. I'm definitely doing some sock knitting tonight.

Some very lovely people on a Ravelry forum helped me to solve the dilemma I'd been having about needing more or longer needles. I was told that I could use any number of circulars in the same manner as using two circulars and still be able to knit in the round. When I joined Ravelry, I never thought I'd use it for anything other than the odd pattern here or there, but I'm finding it to be the greatest resource for all knitting related queries. 

In other knitting news, I've added all of my Christmas projects to the top of my Ravelry queue. I've got a lace panel afghan for my mom (who won't wear anything I make her but loves her aghans to death), a pretty Noro beret  for my sister, some nice socks for Chris and Jeff, an owl cowl for Erin, a pair of bright green wristwarmers for Renee, a moebius scarf for NS and a present which shall be undefined for NB, since she has access to this blog and might find out that I found THE GREATEST PRESENT TO GIVE HER THIS CHRISTMAS!!!!!!! I wish I could tell her what it is, or give it to her early. Maybe I'll find some other holiday sooner in the year to give her a gift and come up with something else for Christmas. Seriously, it couldn't be any more perfect. (For any Ravelers who are curious, I'm yellowhairedgirl on Ravelry and NB's gift is 8th in my queue.) Sorry about all of the Ravelry links. Most of the patterns I found were only available there.

I gave up on the double knitted blanket idea. Remember this swatch?

I frogged the swatch, that's how annoyed I was. Double knitting isn't difficult, but I haven't found a way to hold the yarn that feels anything less than cumbersome. 

In my personal life, since most everyone I know is soooo keen to hear about it (I've convinced myself that's what my blog is for. Here is where I vent. Rant to follow), I had a strange thing happen to me at work yesterday. I don't know if I've ever mentioned it, but at the daycare, I'm an assistant. I'm basically a glorified janitor. I clean messes, sweep and mop, and occasionally get to interact with the kids (maybe more than occasionally, but mostly I yell at them and tell them to stop climbing on things or biting each other). Yesterday I walked in and my boss gave me a choice of working with the ones or the threes for the day. I said threes, which are the worst class but also the one I'm more familiar with. Then she informed me that both NS (who is also the threes teacher) and her assistant were out that day. So I kind of looked at her blankly and said, "I'll be there by myself all day?"
The day was pretty bad, but not much worse than a normal day, other than the fact that I had to do everything myself. I didn't teach anything though, and I felt bad about that, but at least the kids got fed and had their naps at approximately the right times. We had minimal bathroom accidents and I was on top of their care all day. When I got home I had to do the laundry, which meant I was at the laundromat at midnight. Then I had an assignment due during work the next day so I had to work on it in the middle of the night. All in all, a very long day. Rant over. 

Anyway, gotta go. Sleep awaits and I've got an audiobook to finish listening to. Funnily enough, if you listen to an audiobook before bed every night, you tend to fall asleep and it takes forever to finish it.

Quote of the day:
Kid: "Scu me."
Me, frazzled: "What?!"
Kid: "I love you."


  1. wow, that blanket has sprung into massiveness seemingly out of nowhere. i'm pretty sure if you keep it up it'll be done in may.

    also, ravelry. did i not tell you :) ?

  2. Must be all the naptime knitting. It still feels like it's taking forever though. You were totally right about Ravelry :P I should have followed your advice sooner.
